Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Studying the Art of Studying

Sorry for the lapse in posts, but with school starting I got a little swamped. I promise to do better!

 This post is for everyone who likes getting A's without over-stressing.

This book is one that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking a look at. I had to read this in college for a freshman Skills for Success class, and really didn't appreciate how great it was. I was one of those kids who always liked school, and was highly motivated to study. I didn't see the reason to really invest in this book, but after reflection and college experience I realize it was a gem hidden in a what I thought was a boring, required class. Now I know many of you are thinking...WAIT..I am a high school student, or my child is only in high school, but it translates well to high school. And even if you like studying and love school..wouldn't it be nice to study a bit less..or as I like to think- study smarter?! And if you like this book, Cal Newport has written a book about achievement in high school (but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet). All his books have gotten great reviews, and I hope to introduce some of his ideas to my students. It is reasonably priced, and it is also available through Kindle. If you buy it used it can be close to nothing. Even if you only check it out of the library for a little while...I know you will like it. The information is useful and well written. It breaks down studying and gives real student advice that makes sense, and encourages practical time management techniques that are easy to implement.

Here is the to the Goodreads review. Remember to check out his other stuff too!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hey Math Students!

This year LHWHS will be doing a lot with IXL. There is a really sweet app that you can download onto your Ipads that will make getting your homework done super easy and fast. Just make sure you remember your Apple Id because the App store and the App itself will ask you to keep entering in your ID. Here is what to do:

1. Go to the App Store on your Ipad

2. search:     IXL Math Practice App

It will look like this:
3. Download the app and open it. 

It will look like this: 
4. Type in your username and password. REMEMBER to use "@ladue" to the end of your username

(ie. MissB@ladue)

It will look like this: 
5. Sign in and it will look like this each time:

Remember to select the correct level that has been assigned.

6. After picking the level, the page will look like this:

7. Now, pick the section of the homework assignment, and it will look like this: 

8. Choose the right skill from the list. It will bring you to a page like this:

9. Now complete your assignment and making sure to get your SmartScore to the level the teacher has assigned. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

5 ways to get Pumped for the new school year!

1. Plan Communication

Communication is so essential in life. Planning communication each school year is a great way to establish the framework for solid relationships. 

Students- thank your parents/ adults for providing you with the tools- physical and emotional- you need for this new school year. New school supply shopping always gets me pumped for school. So take the time to communicate your appreciation! Talk to your teachers and let them know what you are excited about and what you are not so excited about. Tell us what you are worried about. Talk to your friends. No matter if you spent the whole summer together or not, get back into the school mode.

Teachers- taking the time to welcome your new students and their families is such a basic idea, but often times it gets tough when the first day approaches. Take a second to blast out a welcome email. Call your parents. Get excited to build new relationships or continue to build on established relationships. 

Parents- you do so much for your kids and communicate with them 24/7. Thank you! You know what to say to motivate your children and help them navigate the new year. Also, let your teachers know anything you are worried about or have questions over. However, please allow us some time to get back with you because it is a busy time for everyone. 

2. Physically and Mentally De-Stress

I know it is sad to say goodbye to TV show binges, video game marathons and super fun-filled days outside enjoying summer, but don't stress about it too much. Build in some time to stay active even though you won't have hours and hours of free time. I like taking a run everyday after school. It helps me relax from the day! Try and find a good balance between being in full blown work mode and summer relax mode. Take time to watch some funny YouTube videos or browse some back to school memes, but don't let it take up all your time.

3. Personalize Technology

LHWHS has IPads for everyone this year! SO EXCITING! For everyone at every school- really try and enjoy the technology you have and personalize it to fit your needs. I like doing the fun stuff like changing my wallpapers, backgrounds, and settings right away. Remember to make your technology fun to look at and and use. Technology and education is such a beautiful marriage! Look up apps, sites, blogs, etc. that you can use in the new year. You are the master of your own technology and have the power to use it to help you be the best student, staff member, global citizen possible. 

4. Power-stance!

Still a little unsure about the new year? Maybe you are new student, staff member, parent. Maybe you are not new. Either way- believe in yourself! Be confident in your strengths while also being open to growth and improvement.  Here is a great video on taking the time to build confidence by doing something as simple as a power-stance.

5. Pursue Dreams

 Get excited about the possibilities that this new year brings. Don't be afraid to dream a new dream or set another goal. Use the people around you to help you. Share your dreams. Help others achieve their dreams. The more we dream the more we create, and each year we should all try and create a better world!